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Helping Young Adults Cultivate Wholeness

Au Healing

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Au Healing coaches help teens and young adults from ages 12 - 30 build a firm foundation in their values to create a life they love. This dynamic and interactive process empowers teens and young adults to improve the trajectory of their life while increasing confidence and self-esteem. Together we will work on improving emotional management, communication, goal setting, and many other skills needed to thrive in life!

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How liberating it is to pursue wholeness over perfection.

Morgan Harper Nichols

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What To Expect!

In weekly, 55-minute sessions (virtually or in-person) we evaluate the elements in your teens life. We work together to build out their dream future - Who would they be? What would it look and feel like? - Then I help them set small, self-directed goals to work closer to that reality!

Along the way, we dive into exploring who they truly are - their strengths, values, and personality type - and turn their struggles into strength. They will develop a toolbox full of strategies and healthy coping skills to carry them through their lives and help them thrive in adulthood!

The Benefits?

Having a safe space to dig deep into who they are and who they want to be.

Planning for the future in a fun way.

Implementing healthy coping skills.

Increasing self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.

Having an accountability partner to help them achieve their goals!

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What Results Can I Expect?

Successful coaching requires a co-active collaborative approach between the client and the coach. In the coaching relationship, the coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, but it is the client's responsibility to enact or bring about the change.

Coaching + Client Initiative = ULTIMATE SUCCESS!

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Meet Your Coach!

BCMHC | Founder of Au Healing


Before settling in Winter Garden, Florida, Kayla was raised in Novi, Michigan by her mother and step father. Throughout her childhood she experienced many hardships due to the generational traumas in her family.  As a result of this she experienced many challenges during her high school and college years. This had a major negative impact in pretty much every aspect of her life. Her motivation would ultimately be her 3 younger siblings to show them that they too can create a thriving life story. Throughout her journey she stayed ambitious and optimistic knowing that her future would be brighter than her past. 

 During her transition into young adulthood she began deep inner work and became fixated on personal development. She learned and implemented boundaries, strategies and coping skills that would completely change the trajectory of her life. She found purpose when she started her walk with Christ and knew that her mission was much bigger than herself. Thus, Au Healing was born fueled by passion and love to walk alongside teens and young adults as they navigate their hardships during their most impressionable years. 

Kayla became a Board Certified Mental Health Coach with AACC and has committed to professionally walking alongside others, leading them towards a life of purpose, empowerment, authenticity and knowledge so that they can cultivate wholeness and live in their true potential! 

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